Notable Recent Sightings

25/09 Gannet 1 juv grounded near Caersws
07/09 Nightjar 1, photographed near Pontrobert
17/07 Quail RSPB Lake Vyrnwy, also heard 20/06 and 08/07
24/04 Long-eared Owl 2, RSPB Lake Vyrnwy
16/04 Purple Heron 1, Cors Dyfi
05/03 Firecrest 1, Lake Vyrnwy
05/03 Short-eared Owl 1, Lake Vyrnwy
14/01 Pink-footed Goose 1, Dolydd Hafren
03/01 Waxwing 20, Meifod; also 5 Welshpool by canal on 01/01. Last: 6 Bwlch-y-Garreg 17/03
23/12 Waxwing Newtown College, first arrivals 04/12, 47 on 23/12, 67 on 01/01, 30 on 04/02
09/12 Cattle Egret 1 roosting with 8 Great Egrets and some Little Egrets, Llyn Coed-y-Dinas
02/12 Waxwing 21 Guilsfield, 12 Montgomery, 1 Welshpool, and 1 on 01/12 Llanfyllin
16/11 Dotterel 3, just west of Dyfnant Forest on RSPB land
16/11 Great Grey Shrike 1, on edge of Dyfnant Forest on RSPB land, last reported 19/01
15/11 Waxwing 25 or 30, just west of Lake Vyrnwy along the Dinas Mawddwy road
08/11 Great Northern Diver A juvenile was found near Anchor, rescued and released
30/10 Black Redstart 1 in garden at Hendomen, near Montgomery
06/10 Hawfinch 5 in treetops at Powis Castle, by main car-park
04/10 Cattle Egret Dolydd Hafren, a flock of c.30
29/09 Red-flanked Bluetail Dyfnant Forest: a county first
23/09 Manx Shearwater 1st year bird grounded in Llanfyllin; released at coast
03/09 Cattle Egret 10 at Cors Dyfi, rising to 32 on 05/09
01/06 Turnstone 1 at Caersws with Little Ringed Plovers
03/05 Wood Sandpiper 1 at Dolydd Hafren
18/04 BLACK-WINGED KITE 1 video-ed at Glan Mule, near Kerry: a likely FIRST for UK
07/04 Black Redstart Female on Carno roof
07/04 Little Ringed Plover Llandinam Gravels
25/03 Osprey Female 5F 'Seren' arrived back at Llyn Clywedog
25/03 Pied Flycatcher An early migrant near Llanfechain
22/03 Hen Harrier Female in flight near Berriew
15/03 Sand Martin 5, Dolydd Hafren
15/03 Golden Plover c.50, Heldre Hill, Long Mountain, nr Welshpool
05/03 Whooper Swan 1, between Caerhowel (Montgomery) and The Gaer, with Mute Swans
05/03 Pink-footed Goose 1, Caersws, with Canada Goose flock
05/03 Jack Snipe 2, Caersws
05/03 Hawfinch 24, Powis Castle, feeding behind orchard
28/02 Pink-footed Goose c.25, flying north over Welshpool
26/02 Merlin 1 male, chasing Meadow Pipit, Long Mountain near Welshpool
26/02 Pintail 3, Llyn Coed-y-Dinas, 1 since 14 Feb
14/02 Hawfinch 1, Powis Castle car-park, very vocal
23/01 Jack Snipe 1, Moel-y-Garth near Guilsfield
17/01 Brambling 80, in beeches at Pen-y-Waen near Cefn Coch with Chaffinches
07/01 Hawfinch 2, bathing in puddle, Cwm Lane, Castle Caereinion
See Sightings Archive for older records

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Young Gannet at Caersws

This juvenile Gannet was found grounded at Caersws this morning. Thanks to Sue Lloyd-Jones for the photo, and to Iolo Williams for letting me know. We don't get many Gannets in the county!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Merlin and Llyn Coed-y-Dinas sightings


Many thanks to John Formstone, for this Merlin portrait, taken yesterday at the Tan y Foel Quarry near Cefn Coch. 

In other news, a Cetti's Warbler has been singing its explosive song in front of the hide at Llyn Coed-y-Dinas. Thanks to Luke Reynolds for reporting this on 16 Sep; on 17 Sep we (in the MWT work party) heard it again as we trimmed willows and raked the bank in front of the hide. This morning I flushed a Snipe from its favourite bank, and briefly saw a Kingfisher. I found an old Reed Warbler's nest while removing willows from the reedbed.  

Monday, September 16, 2024

Swallows just fledged, and 2 reminders

Many thanks to John Anderton for this fine portrait of two Swallows that left the nest this morning in an outhouse near Meifod. 

And two points to note:

There will be disturbance in front of the hide at Llyn Coed-y-Dinas this Tuesday and Wednesday (September 17th and 18th), as we (a MWT work party) will be working in front of the hide, raking the bank where the Snipe winter, trimming willows and reducing reeds.

Also, our opening Bird Group meeting is at 7.30 this Wednesday in the Methodist Hall, High Street, Welshpool. All are welcome to hear Chris Townsend as he shows us around the Outer Hebrides. The full Bird Group programme can be found at the top of this page: just click the tab marked Bird Group.



Monday, September 09, 2024

Nightjar near Pontrobert

Many thanks to MWT staff member Dulcie Fairweather for this photo of a Nightjar, found by chance on southbound migration. I expect several pairs nest opportunistically in the county, mostly in the first years of conifer plantations, but they are rarely recorded.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Llyn Coed-y-Dinas photos, and Pwll Penarth news


Many thanks to Tony Coatsworth for these three images, taken yesterday: Water Rail, Green Sandpiper and Kingfisher. There was also a drake Pochard yesterday, an unusual bird in the county these days. Today I saw a Common Sandpiper there and two Great Egrets. Please note that the MWT work parties there on September 17th and 18th will be working in front of the hide, trimming willows and reducing reeds.

Thanks also to Tammy Stretton, for news of a Hen Harrier female or immature over Welshpool Golf Course yesterday. 

Meanwhile, I was at Pwll Penarth Reserve today with a MWT work party, preparing for major excavation operations this winter. Heavy equipment will be brought in to create new lagoons, reduce reeds and willow, and improve viewing. The soundscape was dominated all day by a trilling Little Grebe.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Stonechat in flight

It's not easy photographing passerines in flight! Thanks to Aneurin Lloyd for this male Stonechat, fence-hopping near Cefn Coch on 19 Aug.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Online Wader Workshops

Gethin Jenkins-Jones of BTO Cymru writes:

BTO Cymru are doing an online wader ecology and ID training course next month, for the first time with a Welsh angle to it. It would be great to have as many people as possible coming. I've added the link below:

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Short-eared Owl

 Many thanks to Dave Lister for this magnificent Short-eared Owl, near Llyn Tarw on 16 August.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Juvenile Cuckoo in Dolanog garden


Thanks to Colin Griffin for this image of a juvenile Cuckoo, taken through the kitchen window in the rain yesterday afternoon. I expect the foster parents (probably Meadow Pipits) are glad it has fledged and left!

Friday, August 09, 2024

MWT Bird Group - 2024-5 programme is now ready to read here!

The 2024-5 programme of illustrated talks is now ready. You can read it here, by clicking on the Bird Group tab at the top of the page. Our season begins with Birds of the Outer Hebrides by Chris Townsend on Wednesday, 18 September at Welshpool Methodist Hall at 7.30. Here is one of Chris's amazing Hebridean photos:

A Corncrake! Now sadly gone from Wales, Corncrakes numbered at least 20 calling males in Montgomeryshire as recently as 1947, according to the annual reports of the Montgomeryshire Field Society. The last county record was in 1980.

To be added to the Bird Group mailing list, send me an email to or a text to 07708-328987.