Further to my request for more records of Yellowhammer in the county, Lindsay Mullins sent me this: "We saw a Yellowhammer this morning on the base of one of our feeders, a male. I have attached a photo Frank took back in mid April, also a male. We do see them in the Summer as well, the most we have had at one time is 4 but we have not seen that number together for a while."
Any further Yellowhammer records welcome (to montbird@gmail.com), especially where they are regular (summer or winter).
Mandarin Duck: 1, Llyn Coed-y-Dinas, 7 Oct.
House Martin: Aberhafesp, 7 Oct. Any other late hirundine records especially welcome.
Golden Plover: 22, near Adfa, 8 Oct.
Redwing: 3, The Hill, above Abermule, 9 Oct. Anyone seen any earlier? Or Fieldfares?
Thanks to Lindsay and Frank Mullins, Tom Woodington, David Lister, Aneurin Lloyd, and Paul Roughley for the above records.
P.S. 3 Swallows flew south past the hide at Dolydd Hafren today (Tues 11 Oct)