The Montgomeryshire Barn Owl Group (MBOG) recently held their
AGM and this year's breeding results have shown yet another
alarming decline. The last two severe winters have contributed to
the depletion of Barn Owls in the county from a record of 73 pairs in
2005 to just 23 known breeding pairs this year.
(click table to read)
The table shows the trend since 2005 when 73 pairs produced 249
young. Obviously yearly figures fluctuate up and down with factors
such as prey availability and birds not reaching breeding weight but
the group fear that another hard winter could be devastating for
Barn Owls in Montgomeryshire.
With Bob Formaggia wishing to take a back seat after 21 years at the
helm of the group, Chris Griffiths has stepped in as group leader, and
Karina Pugh as secretary. Chris (below left), a licensed Barn Owl
ringer, has been active in the conservation of Barn Owls for 10 years.
MBOG monitors around 350 sites throughout Montgomeryshire with a
dozen or so dedicated volunteers scattered around the county. In the
interest of monitoring and conserving Barn Owls in the county, MBOG
is urging the public to report any breeding sites and all sightings of birds,
dead or alive, to the group.
Anyone wanting more information can call Chris on 01686 626603
or email
MBOG would also like to thank The Environment Agency, Forestry
Commission (Wales) and all the local landowners for their continued support.
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